Serbian(sr): Formiranje/povećanje snežnog pokrivača ≥ 10cm za 12h Ozbiljni problemi u saobraćaju, transportu i drugim vidovima komunikacije. Komplikuje već tešku situacije (ozbiljne poteškoće u akcijama spašavanja). Rizik od grana koje se lome sa drveća. Potencijalna opasnost od uništenja krovovа na zgradama, ozbiljno opterećenje dalekovoda i drugih objekata.
English(en-GB): Formation / increase in snow cover ≥ 10cm within 12-hour period Serious problems in traffic, transport and other forms of communication. Makes already existing dangerous security situations more complicated (serious difficulties in the rescue action). The risk of breaking branches off trees. Potential danger of destruction of roofs on buildings. Seriously loading transmission lines and other facilities.
Data from: EUMETNET – MeteoAlarm.
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