Serbian(sr): Vlažan sneg Problemi u saobraćaju i drugim vidovima komunikacije, problemi u snabdevanju električnom energijom. Opasnost od taloženja i mržnjenja mokrog snega na sisteme za prenos električne energije, električnu železnicu, žičare, TV tornjeve i druge antenske stubove. Opasnost od granja koja se lome sa drveća. Opasnos od snežnog opterećenja krovova na zgradama i drugim objektima.
English(en-GB): Wet snow The problems of traffic and other forms of communication, problems in the supply of electricity. The risk of sedimentation of wet snow, danger of freezing wet snow and deposition on the systems for power transmission, electric railways, ski lifts, TV towers and other antenna towers. The risk of branches that break off trees. Dangers of snow loads on roofs of buildings and on other facilities.
Data from: EUMETNET – MeteoAlarm.
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